Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Ghost Writers

In my Opinion there is absolutely nothing wrong with Ghost Writing.  Provided the author is okay with the lack of credit or credit going to someone else, I think it's a great way to have works published.

As someone who is shy, and doesn't always like taking credit for accomplishments, I actually really like the idea of ghost writing as a possibility.  I'm also someone who enjoys writing so it's a good way to get content out without having things backfire.

The downsides that I can potentially see happening with ghost writing is a potential for stolen content that was published without authorization to become a ghost written in the first place.

Another downside that I have experience personally is when writers change to Ghost Writers and the quality of articles or published works goes downhill.  This is often due to a backlog of work needing to be done such as RL Stine and the Goosebumps novels, or sometimes by a death of an older author who passes on their works to someone else.  I'm not entirely against this but there's no denying the quality would go down.

Overall I think that ghost writing is a great practice.  Their are some minor potential downsides depending on what written medium your looking at but overall I think it's a good idea that has stood the test of time.

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Something new I learned through PR

Out of all the things I learned in my PR experience at Loyalist so far, I think the biggest for me personally has been learning event planning and organization.

I'm generally a horrible procrastinator and having so many real life situations to work on I feel has made me a better person even though I'm still working on the procrastination aspect.

The first big thing that really got me going in the early days was the United Way Sale.  It was a great example of team building and teamwork as we came together and learned how to operate as a unit.  Out of everything we've done this year that;s still my favorite.

This second semester has been stressful due to the large amount of separate group projects.  However I feel like the United Way experience as well as learning about general event planning has been a huge help.  I hope these experience help improve projects for the Legion, Film Night, Hastings County and more to help plan things out in an orderly manner.