In my Opinion there is absolutely nothing wrong with Ghost Writing. Provided the author is okay with the lack of credit or credit going to someone else, I think it's a great way to have works published.
As someone who is shy, and doesn't always like taking credit for accomplishments, I actually really like the idea of ghost writing as a possibility. I'm also someone who enjoys writing so it's a good way to get content out without having things backfire.
The downsides that I can potentially see happening with ghost writing is a potential for stolen content that was published without authorization to become a ghost written in the first place.
Another downside that I have experience personally is when writers change to Ghost Writers and the quality of articles or published works goes downhill. This is often due to a backlog of work needing to be done such as RL Stine and the Goosebumps novels, or sometimes by a death of an older author who passes on their works to someone else. I'm not entirely against this but there's no denying the quality would go down.
Overall I think that ghost writing is a great practice. Their are some minor potential downsides depending on what written medium your looking at but overall I think it's a good idea that has stood the test of time.
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